
Encourager February 2016

Fr SteveJesus came to bring us life in all its fullness. The transformative impact of encountering Jesus is wonderfully and vividly illustrated in the changing of the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. The mundane and the ordinary can become infused by the power and the glory of God – if we are prepared to respond in faith to the challenge of Mary to the servants to “DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU”.
It’s always good to have some joy in our lives – because it’s tough when something is troubling or bothering us and taking our joy away. Sometimes it feels like we’re running on empty. So, how does Jesus restore “JOY”?
Firstly, we have to be where Jesus is. Jesus, his mother and his disciples were together at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. A Jewish wedding feast, back in those days, reportedly lasted for a whole week. Beginning with something like a parade, the father of the bride would escort his daughter to the groom’s house where they would be married at the front door. Then the feast would begin – and last for 7 days – with lots of food and wine. Jesus brings joy to people’s lives.vessels
Secondly we need to be aware of a need and Mary the mother of Jesus became aware of the need when she said to Jesus: “They have no wine”. For a Jew this meant no joy – and, at a celebration like this, the family reputation was at stake. Even though Mary was the mother of Jesus – she was also a disciple of His – and she went to him with a problem: “They have no wine…they have no joy”. She also said to the servants to DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU…obey him.
Now there were 6 large 20 to 30-gallon stone water-jars which were used for Jewish purification rites before and after meals. By this time, much if not all of the water was probably gone. Jesus told the servants to fill the jars and they did – to the brim. But they didn’t need water they needed wine. How would this bring back JOY to the celebrations? They did not understand how this would solve their problem – but – they – obeyed. These 6 stone jars would hold up to 180 Gallons; that is approximately 2,880 eight ounce glasses of wine – good news for any Anglican! Jesus saves the best wine until last. Are we the best we can be?

Are we the best we can be for Jesus? Friends, if Jesus can take ordinary water and transform it into the finest wine, think what he can do with the stone jars of our lives. Jesus wants to fill us to overflowing with his joy. Let’s empty out whatever the stale water is in our lives that is stealing our joy and allow Jesus to replace it with the new wine of his love, joy and peace. Only when we are empty can Jesus offer us his very best. Fr Steve

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