
Encourager 89 Summer 2014

SBloorThe Latest Issue of our Cursillo Diocesan Newsletter…

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,  Cursillo is such an important part of this diocese, so many of our leaders have made their Cursillo and would name it as the point at which things started to change for them in regards to taking their faith more seriously. It is wonderful to know that this year, there have been more people who have gone on their three-day weekends and come out the other side looking at how they can serve God better.  Taking people away to think about who Jesus is, was something that Jesus himself even did. (Matthew 16:13-20) Jesus, took the disciples away to Caesarea Philippi away from their normal  surrounds and asked them “Who do you say that I am?” This is the question that is at the heart of the Cursillo movement, from the weekend when we focus on who Jesus is and how we should be living out following him, to each and every fourth day. So I wonder, when did you last ask yourselves these questions. “Who is Jesus? What do I need to do in response?” I believe when we ask these questions deeply, we will find ourselves seeking to live out God’s will for our lives, sharing love and forgiveness and working for justice. Thank you again for the privilege of being involved in the Newcastle Cursillo movement and please be assured of my prayers for you all into the future.


Posted in Encourager.